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Norm No. 6: Desktop license (Up to 1,000 computers)
Norm No. 6: Desktop license, Up to 1,000 computers
Family: 10 weights, 20 styles / Roman+Italic
File Formats: OpenType CFF
OpenType Features: aalt, calt, case, ccmp, cpsp, dlig, dnom, frac, liga, locl, numr, ordn, pnum, salt, sinf, subs, sups, tnum, zero
File List: NormNo6-Thin.otf / NormNo6-ThinItalic.otf / NormNo6-Light.otf / NormNo6-LightItalic.otf / NormNo6-Regular.otf / NormNo6-Italic.otf / NormNo6-Book.otf / NormNo6-BookItalic.otf / NormNo6-Medium.otf NormNo6-MediumItalic.otf / NormNo6-Semibold.otf / NormNo6-SemiboldItalic.otf / NormNo6-Bold.otf / NormNo6-BoldItalic.otf / NormNo6-Heavy.otf / NormNo6-HeavyItalic.otf / NormNo6-Black.otf / NormNo6-BlackItalic.otf / NormNo6-Super.otf / NormNo6-SuperItalic.otf
Version: 1.001 NRM06-LA-DE1000
*Only available as a complete family set.